Thursday, December 27, 2007

Ron Paul's Reaction: Tough Common Sense

©December 28, 2007
by Gary Wood

Today’s assassination of Benazir Bhutto has created a firestorm of passionate reactions from around the world. In the United States those vying to become our next President are responding in a variety of ways one could no doubt expect. John McCain is touting his unprecedented experience as being key and critical in times like these. Hillary Clinton is reminding people she not only had a professional but also a personal relationship with the Pakistan leader. Mitt Romney has mentioned the need to further our policy of propping up foreign governments. Rudy Giuliani is stating 9/11, 9/11. The fear of terrorism and the loss of this brave lady, who passionately lived to help a dream of democracy in Pakistan be realized, are being used to further the cause of interventionist approaches in dealing with the world.

I have listened to each candidate’s response with the thought of whom I would want in the Oval Office when this type of tragedy rocks the world. It is this type of crisis that allows a window of opportunity to be opened for either common sense preventative reactions or for the spreading of reactionary actions leading to more of the same. When passion and fear collide it is easy to believe we are listening to someone dedicated to being tough when it comes to terrorism and world instability by continuing a political path that has aided in leading us to our current situation. In our hearts we want to stand up with an iron fist to crush those behind such violent, despicable acts.

The toughest response I have heard today came from Ron Paul in a brief phone interview on Fox’s ‘Your World with Neil Cavuto’ and in a longer interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on ‘The Situation Room.’ No doubt many will spin his position as being somehow weak yet it is true intestinal strength to react the way he did. Often, when looking in the mirror, we don’t like to admit our policies may somehow weaken those we think we are helping.

Ron Paul reminded us all we backed a dictator who overthrew an elected government and spent billions over the last eight years aiding his government. He advocated changing the policy immediately while indicating Bhutto was a true fighter for democracy in that country. He also was brave enough to remind us our Constitution does not give us the right to continue to meddle in the affairs of foreign countries nor does it give us the right to continue to intervene. His lone voice on the campaign trail delivered tough common sense!

For several weeks we can be assured many will spin these tough words as the wrong approach to the events unfolding due to Benazir Bhutto’s sacrifice. We will have our patriotism called into question while the hawkish interventionists attempt to further capitalize on our fears as well as our compassion. Many of the media’s talking heads will tell us our policies must not only be continued but ramped up to fight the global war on terrorism. Through all of this I can only hope and pray the toughest common sense approach of non-intervention will finally be understood by at least of few more brave defenders of liberty.

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