Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ron Paul's Effect Unknown Yet Viable

We are quickly wrapping up the two-party dog and pony show we call the Presidential Primaries and as we head into the general elections nobody knows the effect Ron Paul will have.

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Is Ron Paul a Good Measure for Congressional Candidates?

Many involved in the sweeping movement known as the “Ron Paul Revolution” are starting to turn their focus on Congressional races and attempting to develop a basis for measuring the candidates they will support.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Senator Jim DeMint’s Earmark Moratorium Amendment

There are, from time to time, some of our Congressional representatives that take a stand that deserves our support and action, this earmark moratorium is one of those times.

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Obama, Clinton Debate: Nothing is Our Fault!

To near nauseous emphasis both candidates clearly laid all blame on the President and none on their actions as Senators.

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The Election Process Then and Now

This Sunday at 3pm EST please join us for a very special discussion on the U.S. election process then and now. We'll examine whether we should be changing the way we elect our legislative and executive branch...

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Democratic Landslide Looms Despite Paul, Huckabee's Efforts!

All pundit comments, MSM slant, and John McCain’s hopes aside the numbers from the primary voting so far don’t lie about the direction the 2008 election is heading. Democrats can rejoice as the GOP coronation of McCain is creating a significant landslide victory coming in November.

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Lou Dobbs' Independent Voice Fails Listeners

Several months back I came across Lou Dobbs on CNN. His show was interesting because he seemed to really talk straight about critical issues and his question, “Doesn’t anyone deserve a government that works anymore?” had my attention...

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Illegal Aliens Can Solve Troop Strength Challenge

McCain has ideas on illegal immigration and the use of the military. None of which address the root causes so here is another proposal for him to consider. Senator McCain should adopt this since it fits best with his ideas...

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Friday, February 8, 2008

Ron Paul Won't Pay Us and Walk Away

Bush, Pelosi, Reid and most the Federal Representatives are willing to pay the people so they can walk away while saying they’ve done something to help...

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008


The debate is raging across the blogosphere. Ron Paul supporters, the revolutionists brought together by his message, are trying to decide if the movement should stay affiliated with the Republican Party or move allegiance to a third party or none at all. Here’s my take on the question which can be filed in the ‘for what it’s worth’ file...

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Republicans seem split on their desire to support the Arizona Senator as the party nominee. Why then is he receiving so many endorsements and the apparent silent backing of the Republican National Committee? Here’s one theory...

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Super Tuesday results are just about in for the Presidential Primaries of the Republican and Democratic Parties and the percentages are dismal so people want to know why the Texas Congressman is still running in the dog and pony show.

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Monday, February 4, 2008


This isn't being talked about like Huckabee's Chuck Norris or Obama's Kennedy or McCain's Crist endorsement yet there is good reason these groups endorse Ron Paul.

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Romney has 52% of the vote while Paul has secured 35% of the state delegates who will allocate Maine's 18 national delegates in May.

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Many have long viewed history as a boring subject or one they believe to understand yet Ron Paul's positions are causing many to study history deeper than ever before. After studying you may well decide to vote for another candidate but understanding of the issues is improved.

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Sunday, February 3, 2008


In a very unique, refreshing format Obama, Clinton, Huckabee, and Paul faced the voting youth of the United States Feb. 2, 2008

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Saturday, February 2, 2008


The party favorites and media darlings deal with feel-good surface issues while only one dares to speak to us about the real causes and solutions! If you want cradle to grave government care he is not one to listen to. If personal liberty and responsibility is something that is interesting to you its time to study all the candidates.

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Friday, February 1, 2008


Early in the race for the Republican nomination it was thought for sure Ron Paul would receive this endorsement, instead it has gone to Senator John McCain.

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