Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Geithner Exception

The Wall Street Journal's excellent columnist Daniel Henninger argues that Timothy Geithner, despite howls from Republicans, deserved to be confirmed as Treasury Secretary. Henninger deplores the witch-hunts that have defined Washington since the Watergate era, a slash and burn effort from both parties to discredit men and women.

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Friday, January 23, 2009

$825 Billion Spending "Stimulus", and Not One Job May Result

The Democrat “stimulus” bill -- a bill that was created behind closed doors by Democrat leadership who usurped the normal committee process -- reaches nearly a trillion dollars in spending, and the non-partisan analysts cannot guarantee that this $825 billion in proposed legislation would create one single job.

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

When the State becomes God

Federal power grabs have been a bi-partisan policy, long before the War on Terror. All of these acts have created precedents for what is being done ­ or proposed ­ now.A bit of history

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