Saturday, September 29, 2007

Why a Ron Paul Revolution? Thank Congress!

by Gary Wood
©September 29, 2007

Have you heard about this Ron Paul Revolution buzz? It is a movement happening in towns across the country. The Republican Presidential Candidate from the 14th District in TX, Rep. Ron Paul has started a revolution, or a revolution has started him, you decide. Now, don’t panic, there are no roaming armed gangs in the streets unless you count the armies of Ron Paul supporters waving signs and showing up at rallies in large numbers everywhere he goes. Perhaps you’ve seen one of the many Ron Paul Revolution signs hung around ManyTowns, USA. The first time I saw one I thought it was a tent revival meeting coming to town.

Its not about a religious revolution however, its all about a political revolution and the buildup is toward the big battle coming up early next year in the primary elections. The main stream media says he doesn’t have a chance. Don’t tell his army of volunteers across the country. Not only is money pouring in to his campaign but there are over 43,000 members spending their hard earned money, time, and effort above and beyond everything the candidate’s campaign staff is doing. There are countless hours spent handing out brochures, manning booths paid for by the groups themselves, ninja sign hanging activities, and then there are the rally crowds at every event Ron Paul attends. The army of supporters is made up of a vast array of ages, cultures, monetary standings, and education levels. There are large numbers of young people, with their families in tow, coming to the revolution everyday. This shows no sign of letting up, as many in Paul’s own party had hoped it would. They expected him to be finished by now, they felt his campaign would have sputtered faster than Tommy Thompson’s campaign, yet it is only growing stronger.

His message is really basic speaking directly to the principles and documents which founded the United States in the first place. Called radical by many in the press and in politics, his form of politics was radical over 220 years ago but today it rings of the true history of our country. Liberty and freedom are at the root of his stump speech, with the supreme law of the land as his weapon of choice for dealing with the heavy challenges facing us today. The Constitution holds the answers if we will but turn to it and be brave enough to once again follow it, which is what I hear him saying in a nutshell. What makes this message and Ron Paul’s campaign a revolution?

Thank Congress and the political course our leadership has been following since the Wilson Presidency. Many of the people (remember “We the People”), believe the Constitution is being adulterated and power is being usurped away from the people, communities, and States. Growing numbers of the population are disgruntled and concerned their rights are disappearing. They are starting to remember their duty, to protect the Constitution. They see Ron Paul as the only candidate with the history and willingness to help them fulfill their duty. We only need to briefly review the news each day to see Congress at work helping to increase these fears.

Just this past week the Senate attached Hate Crime Legislation to the Defense Funding Bill. According to Senator Edward Kennedy, "The defense authorization is about dealing with the challenges of terrorism overseas...This (bill) is about terrorism in our neighborhood. We want to fight terrorism here at home with all of our weapons." Granted there were some voices of concern over this connection yet the efforts are in place to link any type of hate crime to the criminal being a terrorist and being treated as such. With the Patriot Act and Military Commission Act in place a very scary scenario is easy to envision. Picture two kids getting into a fight and one losing, doesn’t matter race, sex, or orientation the loser can scream hate crime and if this scream can raise a level of doubt the other kid is a terrorist. Far fetched some may say but the people have seen usurpation of power in action before and why take a chance this fictional account can happen in our streets?

The people are not afraid, however. Terrorism from outside does not make them afraid, they are willing to unite, fight, and die to protect our country. They are not afraid to be patriotic. They are not afraid to reach out and help their neighbors in time of need. No, the people know if we operate under the Constitution we have the spirit and will to withstand any attacks but the attacks from within coming out of their own, overgrown, out-of-control government. This revolution is against the internal plutocratic oligarchy running this country. Ron Paul happens to be the first political candidate to cross the awakening of the people to do their duty and participate in defense of their country and their Constitution. They totally investigated his entire life and found in him a patriot cut from the same cloth as the founders of our great land. So, whether you like the Ron Paul Revolution or not, take a moment and thank Congress.

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