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Saturday, October 20, 2007
WWJD with a Muslim
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Thursday, October 18, 2007
Ron Paul Voters, Nov. 5th Historic Mass Donation Day. We CAN Do This!
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Who’s Whipping up the Power, You?
Oligarchy Rule in the
By Gary Wood
© October 18, 2007
An oligarchy is defined as “a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few.” Some dictionaries define it further as rule by a few persons or families. The first time I heard the United States was very much becoming an oligarchy with a shadow government controlling much of the power, carrying titles and leadership roles none of the people voted on nor could the positions be found in the Constitution I rolled my eyes. Initially, the notion of some shadow government fell on deaf ears as I was nearly too quick to simply label the idea some conspiracy theory with no foundation. Finally, oligarchy stuck with me and I started to research in an effort to determine if there was any such few with power enough to run the government.
There is a level of plutocracy going on, that of the government being ruled by the wealthy as it is nearly impossible to gain access into the system, especially at the Federal and State level, for citizens of less wealth. The entire election process has grown immensely expensive. On a discussion board not long ago a poster, ‘alamo1836,’ came up with the combination of a plutocratic oligarchy being a possible better description of what form of government the
Listening to some commentary on the Iraq war by Senator Harry Reid, the current Senate Majority Leader, it started to come into a clearer focus on where some of these few may be controlling the government from. He was mentioning what a disastrous foreign policy gaff the
His title kept coming to my mind, Senate Majority Leader. Is that position on any ballot any of you voted on? The citizens of
Take a look at who a few of these people are this year. In the Senate you have the Majority and Minority Leader titles held by Harry Reid (D-NV) and Mitch McConnell (R-KY) due to the Democrats holding a majority of seats. That’s the tradition, if your party holds the majority of seats your party gets to pick someone to play majority leader and it is a highly coveted and powerful role to play. Then, of course, every good leader needs to wield a skillful whip to keep the beasts of the circus in line. To help with this we have the Majority and Minority Whip held by Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Trent Lott (R-MS) cracking it for their leaders.
From the United States Senate’s website the definition of party floor leaders is, “The Majority Leader and Minority Leader are elected by their respective party conferences to serve as the chief Senate spokesmen for their parties and to manage and schedule the legislative and executive business of the Senate. By custom, the Presiding Officer gives the floor leaders priority in obtaining recognition to speak on the floor of the Senate.” The following definition for the position of whip is given. “Assistants to the floor leaders who are also elected by their party conferences. The Majority and Minority Whips (and their assistants) are responsible for mobilizing votes within their parties on major issues. In the absence of a party floor leader, the whip often serves as acting floor leader.”
Again, none of these positions were mandated in the Constitution yet began to emerge around the turn of the 19th and 20th century. Today they are merely accepted traditional and extremely powerful positions. Remember, the Senate was to be presided over by the Vice President and the House by a Speaker of the House. Note very clearly who the floor leaders speak for, their parties with priority in speaking. Nevadans may have elected Harry Reid but it is his job to speak for his party.
Look closely at the whips (and their assistants!) job which is to mobilize votes within their parties. In other words they are to insure there is enough of their party’s Congressional delegation in place at each vote to cast that vote not as the people would want but as the party wants.
After the leaders, the whips are considered the second most powerful position in the House and Senate. Stop and think about how these positions have been created as a part of our government legislature through tradition and yet are now considered powerful, highly coveted titles to hold. It reminds me of aristocracy titles of old in many ways. Again, these are only 4 of the more than 20. There is the Conference Secretary and Conference Chair, each party has a Policy Chair, and finally each party has a Senatorial Committee Chair. The Senatorial Committee Chairs are not the same as each party’s National Chairman, that is another powerful position not elected by the people but the person filling the National Chair role is not a sitting elected representative of the people within the legislative branch.
In the House of Representatives you get another Majority and Minority Leader, Whips(one for each of the two parties), a Caucus and Conference Chair, one each Policy Chair, the Steering Chair and finally one each Congressional Committee Chair. Each of the positions again focuses on the issues of the party, the positions are selected by the party conferences and the duties are performed above and beyond any responsibility the person may have to the people who elected them initially with the idea of representing their, not the party, interest.
This may well be the fruition of the warnings voiced over 200 years ago regarding the dangerous, tyrannical nature of party politics. The power is shifted back and forth between only two parties, Republicans and Democrats. In the current structure there is no way any person elected from outside the two majority party powerhouses in the
We the people now accept these titles, listen closely when these people speak, follow the drama of who will rise and who will fall in these positions when there is a party shift in control of Congress. They are not mandated by the Constitution and they serve the party first and foremost. This short article has only scratched the surface of the plutocratic oligarchy running the
When we wonder why there is less and less difference between the Democrats and Republicans overall this appears to be a very strong reason. There has to be, for a time, a façade maintained the people are getting a choice but the two-party system has a stranglehold on the power of government and over time really care less and less who is in the majority and who is in the minority as long as the shadow positions are selected by the parties and not the people. Who’s whipping up the power? The two-party system is, not you.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Mitt Romney: It's Not Religion, its His Politics
© October 15, 2007
Living in the Salt Lake Valley I have had the opportunity to discuss the upcoming primary election with many people. Literally dozens have chided me for not supporting Mitt Romney for President in 2008. Some have actually accused me of being prejudiced against him due to his religion. Only two have been able to discuss, at any length or depth, the political history and platform of Mitt Romney. Most simply expect me to support him due to his active membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It has reached a point I feel it necessary to declare that I have no problem with Romney’s religion, it is his politics I cannot, and will not, support.
If he had the same love of the Constitutional form of government this country was founded on, as the late Ezra Taft Benson held, he would no doubt have earned my vote. Remember these words of wisdom, “The sole function of government is to protect life, liberty, and property and anything more than this is usurpation and oppression.”(Ezra Taft Benson, An Enemy Hath Done This, 1969) Think of that, anything more is usurpation and oppression.
What about Benson’s inspiring words, “There is one and only one legitimate goal of United States foreign policy. It is a narrow goal, a nationalistic goal: the preservation of our national independence. Nothing in the Constitution grants that the president shall have the privilege of offering himself as a world leader. He is our executive; he is on our payroll; he is supposed to put our best interests in front of those of other nations. Nothing in the Constitution nor in logic grants to the president of the United States or to Congress the power to influence the political life of other countries, to ‘uplift' their cultures, to bolster their economies, to feed their people, or even to defend them against their enemies."(The Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, p. 614; see also p. 682 & 704)
This man, Ezra Taft Benson, would have earned, truly been given freely, my vote for President of the United States. He understood the Constitution and the role of the President of the United States and of the Congress! He is not the only LDS leader that has; there have been many who share his inspired views. Mitt Romney simply is not one of them and does not deserve, nor earn, my vote and it is not his religion, and it is his politics! One only has to listen to his answers in the debates or study his record as Governor of Massachusetts to realize he is in lock step thinking with many of the Bush Administration and major Republican Party leadership positions which are not in step with the Constitution for the United States of America.
There is little research that really needs to be done by anyone within the LDS Church or outside the church to see Romney is not a firm believer in the Constitution. Simply, if you have watched or looked up the transcripts from the latest Republican debates you’ll begin to understand. Do you remember the one key question that Chris Matthews asked of Mitt Romney about the need to go to Congress for military action? If not, let me remind you now, from the transcripts of the debate Matthews’ asked the following, “Governor Romney, that raises the question, if you were president of the United States, would you need to go to Congress to get authorization to take military action against Iran's nuclear facilities?”
The answer by Romney reaffirmed all my beliefs but still sent a shockwave through me as this man may well be the next President. “You sit down with your attorneys and tell you want you have to do, but obviously the president of the United States has to do what's in the best interest of the United States to protect us against a potential threat. The president did that as he was planning on moving into Iraq and received the authorization of Congress...” The Constitution requires the Congress to declare war. What Congress gave to Bush was totally against the supreme law of the land and totally betrayed their obligations by passing to the Executive Branch a power it never, I repeat, never should have!
I agree 100% with the reply of Congressman Ron Paul when he answered the following question by Matthews. He was asked, “Congressman Paul, do you believe the president needs authorization of Congress to attack strategic targets in Iran, nuclear facilities?” His reply, “Absolutely. This idea of going and talking to attorneys totally baffles me. Why don't we just open up the Constitution and read it? You're not allowed to go to war without a declaration of war.” Romney does not either get it or does not agree with the Constitution on it, only Congress can declare war! It is a part of the careful check and balance system those 55 enlightened men debated over some 220 years past and the Bush Administration’s undeclared war on Iraq is proof the founders were right and Romney is wrong.
That is simply a scratch on the surface of the many political stances Mitt Romney has taken over his career to prove he simply doesn’t share the wisdom of Ezra Taft Benson. He wants to continue the same failed, preemptive interventionist foreign policy that has created the disasters we face in the world today. He will not learn from the past nine decades of history showing it is a failed policy that needs to be changed. He wants to continue the IRS and the income tax system started with the 16th Amendment and radicalized by FDR and wants to continue to use it to offer ‘incentives’ to the people for controlling the way we live our lives. His health care plan he signed into law in Massachusetts is very familiar, it is as if Hillary Clinton took his law and fashioned her Health Care Choice proposal after it.
My fellow Utahans, and all others blindly preparing to cast a vote for Romney because of his religion please take pause! Study this man’s politics, not his religion. It is OK to respect the way he has chosen to live his life religiously. It is fine to have a great deal of appreciation of the business sense he exhibited while saving the 2002 Olympics, we know what a great thing he did in that capacity. But, in the primaries we are not voting for his religion, nor are we voting for his business savvy, we are voting for the next President of the United States. Let me simply remind everyone reading this of the oath the person elected to President will take in January 2009.
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.” The best of his ability does not give us any political expectation that he fully understands the Constitution let alone does it lead us to believe he will defend it. Do not study or vote his religion. Study and vote based on his politics and the next time you see me you will no doubt be supporting a different candidate during the Utah Republican primaries or the primaries of the state in which you reside.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Lock and Load, Rock and Roll!
© October 13, 2007
Can you hear John Wayne saying these words, lock and load, in his 1949 movie, The Sands of Iwo Jima, as a way to signal his men to get ready for either battle or drinking? Quite literally it stems from locking back the bolt on a rifle before loading the ammunition. It has become synonymous with getting ready for action. You may hear in a VFW hall as the patrons prepare to slam a drink, you may hear in among a group of college students preparing to cheer their football team on, you may also hear it combined with two other words, rock and roll. Lock and load, rock and roll is now the battle cry for get ready, let’s go!
Most of the time, outside of a military engagement, this battle cry is used in recreational or business settings. In this setting it loses some of the militaristic flare while maintaining its meaning as a call to immediate action. Whether that action is a sales team about ready to hit the sales floor before the doors open or that group of college students is about to enter the stadium once the gates open it is somehow endearing. A part of the term was made famous with the members of United Flight 93 being heard to say, “Let’s roll!”
Are you ready to really lock and load? The political campaign time-frame is continual today. It seems someone is always out stumping for votes and funds for their campaigns. For most voting eligible people it makes it hard to stay engaged in the process, to remain ready for action. After so many commercials, far too many road signs which always seem to be there anymore and too many of the events billed as debates there is numbness to it all. We see evidence of this each year when voter turnout figures are released and fewer are taking their duties to heart and actually going to the polls and casting their ballot.
Some of the reason for not being locked and loaded come Election Day is the feeling our vote simply does not count. Another reason is a real frustration with the quality of the candidates. There is also a feeling of confusion or lack of information regarding ballot initiatives or referendums and who among us really know much of anything about all those judges on the ballot anyway? This frustration has reached a point there are two things happening this year which we will look at.
First, there is a small but steady murmuring of those saying it is time to boycott the elections. This sounds like a pretty good idea if you’re tired of the way things are going and you don’t know what to do about it. However, the plutocratic oligarchy running this country really could not care less if some voters boycott. As long as all voters don’t participate in a boycott the fewer that vote simply means the fewer they must convince to cast a vote their way. There is not a single person in the Democratic or Republican National Committee that truly cares if you go to the polls as long as there are enough of their party numbers to gain a majority among the number of votes cast. Most of the two-party leadership is more than happy to have you unload and unlock your barrel.
Second, and this one is the more exciting of the two, there are voices of reason and honesty coming from both sides of the two-party process. Perhaps, waiting in the wings is a third-party champion ready to also make some sense once the Presidential Primary scam, or season, is completed. Voters really need to pay attention to the many candidates from all parties at the local and state level to insure they can identify these voices of reason. At the Presidential Campaign level you must truly be prepared for action, you have to lock and load, then rock and roll! The media and the mainstream party heads, the oligarchy, will not help you find these champions of liberty and freedom. If you are waiting to hear from the latest political talking heads don’t hold your breath, you will not be living come Election Day if you do.
Yet, there is a revolution going on and if the troops fighting in this revolution do not win the primary battle the fight will continue. Like many revolutionaries of old these groups of fighters are highly educated, enlightened, and tired of their country going in the wrong direction under bad leadership. The frustrations of the past election cycles, the frustration with the poor stewardship of people’s trust, the failure to live up to the oath of office taken by those who’ve won the votes of the past, and the oppressive nature of daily life for far too many of us has finally moved a growing number to action. You can find these campaigners in newly formed third-party organizations like the Constitutionalist Party. You can find them on the Democratic side working with candidates Kucinich and Gravel.
Today I was fortunate enough to actually lock and load, rock and roll with a highly educated, extremely passionate group of revolutionaries that took over four corners of a busy downtown intersection in Salt Lake City, UT. We weren’t armed with rifles, thank goodness we have not reached that point yet, and we can still win this war with our voices...our votes still count! We were armed with signs for our selected leader, from of all places the Republican Party? Yes, but from the Republican Liberty Caucus, the voice within the party that has been squelched far too long, those who know the value of liberty and freedom, of limited Federal government, of fiscal responsibility with a monetary system based on real value, of limited and indirect taxation, of a foreign policy that embraces the world without preemptively forcing the world to embrace us, and the importance of having decisions made flowing from the people, the community, the state, and lastly the federal levels.
We stood with our large signs touting the slogans; Ron Paul: Hope for America, Ron Paul Revolution, Ron Paul for President 2008, and more. For an entire block leading to the corner large signs could be seen by drivers and then they entered our gauntlet of smiles and waves, signs moving, voices cheering, and the horns of the cars would honk as people would shout and cheer back. The movement is growing, not merely the Ron Paul Revolution but the entire revolution of people once again engaged in learning and casting an intelligent vote for the BEST candidate, not simply the least of the worst the two-party oligarchy regurgitates for us.
Grab on to your Internet connection, Google, MSN, Yahoo or Ask the search engines for information about all the candidates. Study the voting records, philosophies, beliefs and backgrounds of each and every candidate daring to ask you for your vote. Follow the money trail; dig in to the real people as the information is out there just waiting for your mind to apply critical thinking to what you find. Like no other year in recent memory the election year of 2008 gives us the best opportunity to begin to demand our country back and actually have success!
It’s time; Lock and load! Rock and Roll!
Who Do You Have to Win in the Ninth?
© October 12, 2007
Ahhh, the ponies, have you ever spent a day at the racetrack watching the thoroughbreds run? You grab the racing forms, check out the picks from the expert odds makers, study the lines and lay down your bet for the winner. If you’re a Chalk Player you wager on the favorites in any given race and you know the odds are in your favor at the start of every race. The horses begin the parade toward the starting gate and someone near you says there is a horse that looks pretty or I sure like the colors that horse is wearing and they go to bet on that pretty plug horse as you shake your head in disbelief, what a waste of money. Yet, from time-to-time, you are caught in amazement as the plug turns out to be the winner and the silly bet returns large rewards.
Many people enjoy the thrill of betting on sporting events. In every event there are favorites and long shots. Most are not willing to bet on the long shots, there is something in our nature that shouts to us not to waste our money on betting our hearts or betting on a long shot. At the same time we find ourselves often cheering for underdogs and when an underdog wins, even if we didn’t bet on them, we quietly smile and think maybe we should have just this one time.
The experts are always ready with their picks and they have the best information to substantiate their picks. Look at the preseason polls in college football this year alone. Every sports show broadcast before opening day had the justification for picking the best of the best while giving little attention to the rest. This season the best have fallen week after week, leaving the experts scratching their heads in disbelief. That’s why we play the game, after all, and it is exciting to watch. The buzz turns from the best to the Cinderella teams that have risen to the occasion if only for one game. Simply stated, you just never know.
Still we turn our attention to the facts and figures that scream what should be happening, who should be winning. When we step to the window to plunk down our dollars we are drawn by that voice that calmly reaffirms our need to pick the winner, the obvious winner, and so it goes at sports books and racetracks all over the world.
This mentality bleeds over into an event that is far more important than anything happening in the sports world. Every year we face the voting booth at some level and enter the polling booth to cast our votes for candidates who will represent our views, our desires. Yet, we are trapped in a sporting event mentality not wanting to waste our vote, wanting to be able to say we voted for the winner rather than we voted for the one we thought would represent us well.
We follow the experts and listen to the odds developed by the early polling data. We gather our information as if we were betting on a horse race rather than voting on the future of our nation, State or community. Time and again we hear an expert cry to the masses that a vote for one candidate or another is merely a wasted vote, thrown away like a poorly conceived monetary bet on a plug horse. We are swayed away from someone we think may represent our views and instead convinced they have no chance so we cast our vote for the odds on winner, we become nothing more than Chalk Players in a political sporting event.
Politics are not sports; this is not the time to take on the wagering mentality we use for betting on players, horses, or teams. There is never a wasted vote unless it is the vote that goes unused. There is never a wasted vote unless it is a vote for a candidate you do not fully embrace but simply select because, after all, they are the front runner, the odds on favorite and better looking than the other horse in the race.
Politics are filled with experts who understand the sports betting mentality and play on it with skilled perfection. There are many media talking heads, party politic leaders, and pollsters ready to convince voters not to waste their votes no matter what their heart or mind may say. There is a mountain of statistics and data to prove which candidates must receive your vote for they are the favorites. Chalk Players continue to cast votes based on this expert analysis and after the race, even when your candidate wins, there is often regret if the changes you want never reach fruition. Politics are not a sporting event; your vote is never wasted, if you cast it based on your beliefs of who the best candidate is to represent you.
Will your candidate always win if you do bet your desires? Perhaps not yet from time-to-time they do, if you are brave enough to break free from the sports betting mentality played on by the leaders who truly don’t care what you do. Don’t select your candidate the way you select your horse, select your candidate based on the beliefs in your heart rather than the expert’s polling advice. The future of your nation, State and community depends on your vote while the future of the horse depends only on the jockey and the ride and not on your bet.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
The Evil Twins Leading in the Polls Again
by Gary Wood
© October 11, 2007
With the advent of an early election campaign season we have been bombarded with national and local polls showing the default winners for the U.S. Presidency General Elections before the first primary vote is even cast. There may well be a significant change regarding the winner of the Republican side of the equation while the Democratic contest appears to be more a race for Vice President than President, especially if you listen to the mainstream media. In discussing the outcomes there is no loud roar for third-party candidates and the idea of any dark horse from either of the two-party oligarchy rising to victory appears unlikely to most observers right now.
Looking at all the polling data it was interesting to get feedback from some family and friends about the results and what it meant to them. Resoundingly there was the inevitable feeling the choice in the General Election would once again be a choice of the Lesser of two Evils. Some felt Lesser Evil was Democrat while others felt Lesser Evil was Republican. This confusion is easy to understand when you finally realize that More Evil and Lesser Evil are identical twins.
It is necessary to investigate these two twins more closely to improve our understanding of how they seem to dominate the elections each and every year. The Evil twins were reluctant to talk to me initially but I finally convinced More Evil to sit down and answer some basic questions for Hear My (
More – It’s really a simple formula. We plan our platforms to be close enough on many issues as to actually blur understanding while keeping enough differences to sway the people toward one of us while convincing them a vote for anyone else is a waste.
More – We are very well connected, Lesser and I, so it really doesn’t matter.
More – I do not use my name due to an impulse toward favoring Lesser, I’ve come to accept the fact nobody likes me. Look, think about 2000 when Lesser beat me out in the courts, remember that?
More – Everyone now knows that Lesser did not really beat me, you see we’re identical twins. All those voting for Lesser thought Lesser moved into the White House but in reality WE moved in. What you get when you vote for Lesser Evil is both More and Less Evil, no matter how it comes out Evil wins. Face it, right now you are talking to More or are you? You really don’t... {More’s phone rings...nods...hangs up} Ummm...seems we aren’t to be talking about this with you, seems...ummm...just forget what I said, we’ll deny it anyway, I gotta go.
That was the end of the interview, More Evil (if that was More and not Less), quickly left without another word. Once this is published there will also no doubt be denial from one or both of the Evil Twins yet we do have the actual tape recordings of the conversation.
Another discovery is the Evil family is quite large and twins are a common occurrence. We’ve seen Evil members running for office at all levels, Federal, State, and Local. One of the key factors for on-going success is the Evil Family seems to be well-balanced between the two major parties. This has helped both funding and exposure through the media. The Evil Family is very well connected with policy makers, lobbyist, and other public officials.
The most disturbing fact that came out of the brief interview we had was the cavalier attitude evident in the tone of More, if that was indeed More. The other major awakening for me was the blatant disregard for concern over which Evil twin wins. Everyone thinks they are voting for Lesser Evil while nobody thinks they are voting for More Evil. What we are getting however is both, or in other words, Evil wins every time, and its been quite a winning streak.
It would appear the only hope we have for breaking this victory parade is taking a stand against voting for Lesser Evil. If the choice is between the More and Lesser Evil we must look for another candidate to invest our vote with. However, to do this we must be able to come to grips that voting for anyone other than the Lesser of the two Evil is not a waste but a demand for government change, a change that will not come in a government overseen by More and Lesser Evil, as we know all too well.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Shopping Stops Terrorism!
By Gary Wood
© October 10, 2007
Checking my watch I see it is early October. Commercials are starting, stores are decorating, and it is time for another year of the commercialized push toward Christmas gift giving. Consumers prepare by checking the credit card balances and setting up home equity lines of credit to insure everyone is ready to spend their way toward holiday happiness. Not only will our families be happier if we buy like crazy, it is the patriotic thing to do and our way of helping to defeat the terrorists.
Remember we are taught the importance of shopping in fighting off the terrorists. One need only listen intently to the words of the U.S. President, the Honorable George W. Bush. “This war on terror is the calling of a new generation; it is the calling of our generation. Success is essential to securing a future of peace for our children and grandchildren. And securing this peace for the future is going to require a sustained commitment from the American people and our military....A recent report on retail sales shows a strong beginning to the holiday shopping season across the country -- and I encourage you all to go shopping more.”
In recent years I met the onslaught of holiday advertising with a grunt and groan. The commercial focus on the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas was something I grew so frustrated over I nearly considered boycotting holiday gift giving all together. Forgive me for being so selfish and narrow minded regarding the shopping season. It wasn’t until the call to arms by Bush that I realized how unpatriotic I was by being annoyed with the commercials and displays at every turn. This year my outlook is different for now I know the debt load and gifts will go a long way in sticking it to terrorists who attempt to destroy world neighbors everywhere.
With many new credit card offers bombarding the mailbox it suddenly occurred to me just how helpful these companies were being. It was not some profit based, high interest charging, self-interest that caused them to mail me more credit debt opportunity. No, these corporations were merely rallying behind the cries of leaders to fight terrorists in our own backyard and around the globe. These companies were aiding to arm an army of consumers poised this holiday season to deliver a severe blow to the terror networks of the world. It was not my rightful duty to shred these offers; it was time to make a stand, to arm myself and family with the artillery necessary for a battle that would culminate in victory over the evil attackers of our liberty.
It does not matter where the products are made, simply buy the products. Give to every person a gift whether friend, family, or even a foe. To the foe present toys from
Give me credit or give me death! Take not the purchasing power from my hands but allow me the buying power to deliver our stores from evil. Frivolous presents shall not be delivered for all presents will aid more than a family, they will aid our world in warding off the dangers of homicide bombers everywhere. Fear not the overpowering debt, know deep in your heart you are fighting for life, liberty, and freedom in all corners of the globe!
Embrace the commercials; be honored by the in-store displays. Know this is happening for one purpose and only one purpose. WE defeat the terror and drive it into the depth of dark caves by shopping, not dropping, our way to freedom and liberty. Shop on fellow citizens, rise to the call, shop on fellow citizens, and death ~ to terrorists all!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Finally a Good Bill, the CLEAR ACT OF 2007
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Monday, October 8, 2007
4th Largest U.S. City is Prison, USA
by Gary Wood
© October 8, 2007
Do you think we’re free? Every day we hear that is the reason for fighting wars, to protect our freedom. Ask 100 people why we are fighting any war and the majority will answer in a single word, freedom. We believe this because our leaders and mainstream media continue to tell us we must fight to protect our freedom and win the freedom of others who desire to be free yet are not strong enough to stand on their own in defense of their freedom. Remember then Mayor Rudy Giuliani, on
I’m not going to tackle, in this brief article, the more illusive ideas of our freedom under attack from the many demands and requirements we face to use the private property we think we own. Nor, will I look into the debate over recent invasions on our personal freedom as a direct result of such heinous acts as ‘The Patriot Act’ or the ‘Military Commissions Act’ which combined place our basic right of habeas corpus in jeopardy. This article will not address the many attacks we face daily on our 4th Amendment violations, just dare be a veteran entering a VA Hospital for a small sample of this. Among the many directions I could take my focus for now will be on the prison population and the reasons it has reached the levels it has.
With all the wars we’ve entered in defense of freedom it became quite alarming for me to realize the
I had to do a bit of research and what I found proved amazing. Based on 2005 population figures for both our prisons and
Not only that, population growth shows the prison population outpacing the top cities’ growth figures which means it will only continue to rise in rankings and within a few years can pass the population of Chicago! Taking the 2005 prison population and comparing it against the 2005
Well, I said to myself, these are the violent criminal minds among us that deserve to be locked away so they don’t interfere with my family or my personal freedom by harming us. The violent criminals need to be incarcerated, right?
So I further dug into the Bureau of Justice Statistics provided by the U.S. Department of Justice. It was not pretty; the numbers are too large to be comforting but the number of violent criminals’ incarcerated represent 52% of the total population. Just over half are violent criminals that have harmed another of our neighbors in the criminal conduct they pursued which led them to being incarcerated. This would mean the violent population represents the 10th largest city but it also meant there were enough non-violent criminals incarcerated to also represent the 11th largest city.
In researching raw numbers of prisoners I noticed an inordinate number of those serving time were non-violent offenders incarcerated for drug violations, property violations, tax violations, and more. Within the drug numbers lie the bulk of those who are categorized by ethnic race. Are Hispanic or African American citizens, by human nature, worse humans than those classified as white? Or are these segments of categorized society merely tempted into the non-violent economic opportunities created by prohibition laws attempting to regulate morality on all citizens.
We know the dangers created by prohibiting acts which violate a majority view of what is and is not moral. History taught us the lessons of prohibiting alcohol as this attempt gave significant rise to underground mobs preying on the desires of all members of society. The temptation was too great, the violation too many, to deny the fact our attempts to police morals simply fails. Yet we as a society continue to attempt to control the lives of citizens through the failed, expensive, and dangerous war on drugs.
No matter what race classification is assigned to humans, there is no race worse or better than any other. We are equal in our propensity toward good and toward what society may deem to be not good. By judicially enacting constraints on human behavior, by attempting to regulate morality, the creation of underground economic gain surpasses the good of a law. Any and every time we enact such moral restriction we fail; whether the restriction is on alcohol, drugs, prostitution, or any other aspect of human behavior desired and sought by humans. The only result is the laying of a trap for those in an economic position willing to risk now illegal activities to satisfy the demands of mankind. Is it a question of nature or is it a question of failed focus in our judicial desires to control the non-violent activities of our neighbors?
In the Koppel report the focus is on the
Let us assume there are 52% of the
More important is the question, are we free? Freedom’s definition is easily debated. The fact is we incarcerate more of our citizens than any other country. Is the root cause because our citizens are just worst among world citizenry? Or, rather, is it possible our judicial system and law making system is out of control and busy enacting laws that limit freedom? Are we, as a people, actually less free than the many countries we occupy, defend, and fight today?
We are entering the heart of yet another election year. There are voices on the Federal, State, and local level who understand we are not the free society we claim to be. There are voices of reason among the candidates who understand the root of our problem is not a larger number of bad people but a larger number of bad laws. I encourage each voter to seek out and vote for the candidates who recognize the root causes of our challenges and will work to reverse this assault on the very freedom we are so proud of. We need legislature focused on the needs of society and not focused on the greed of enacting laws which ultimately bind and incarcerate our freedom, which most of us will willingly die to defend.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
A Ron Paul Presidency Can Tear the U.S. Apart
by Gary Wood
©October 7, 2007
With his message of liberty and freedom new supporters are joining the Ron Paul Revolution everyday. As his 3rd quarter fund raising showed, his campaign is building momentum when most campaigns lost momentum during the past quarters fund raising efforts. The average donation was $40.00 according to campaign reports. This means there were 127,000 contributors in this past quarter alone and although it represents less than the number Barack Obama currently has the growth is still phenomenal.
Keep in mind, since 2004 Obama has been getting a great deal of press and during this campaign cycle his exposure, as well as many other media darling candidates from both parties, far exceeds anything Ron Paul receives. His message did reach the grassroots of this country through the Internet, now the fire is ignited and the grassroots are burning, a fire of desire to educate their communities about their candidate of choice. They have passion and there is no waiting for the campaign to organize the revolutionaries, they are self-activating events everywhere. Exposure has significantly increased and is beginning to reach beyond the Internet into the nation’s radio, TV, and newspapers since the fund raising figures have been released.
Ron Paul advocates a significant reduction in the size of the Federal Government, restoring the duties to those enumerated under the U.S. Constitution. He promotes fiscal responsibility and is a strong proponent for State and individual responsibility rather than a national level. His platform also calls for a non-interventionist foreign policy replacing the current Bush Doctrine of preemptive interventionism. With the people being more disenfranchised with their national leaders every day his common sense, straight forward message of restoring the Constitution and restoring true liberty and freedom are driving the campaign to new heights. There is no arguing it is the most staunch, brutally honest stand for the people in decades, especially surprising coming from a major party candidate.
The message of liberty and freedom cuts across race, gender, age, and political affiliations when someone really takes the time to hear the message and then scrutinize the messenger. He stands up to scrutiny better than any current candidate in either the Republican or Democratic Party for 2008. His wave is rising to such a level Las Vegas Odds Makers (often more reliable than public opinion polls this far out) have steadily dropped his chances from 100-1, to 15-1, then 8-1 and now many are carrying him at 4-1 odds. Still not the favorite by any means but with over 80 days until New Hampshire and New York end the timeline for switching parties for primary voting purposes there are a lot more people who can catch the Ron Paul Revolution Express. If, or what many are saying is when, he wins it will be the greatest victory for freedom we could hope for. With that victory those embracing the principles of liberty, those who cling to the hope of true freedom will unite in celebration.
As the victory celebration wanes and the time is at hand for swearing Ron Paul in as the President of the
Let’s examine just one bureaucratic change to get a feel for why I am sounding this warning to all Ron Paul supporters. Dr. Paul wants to abolish the
Consider there are approximately 115,000 employees of the
Initially, these people will be quite upset and chances are good many will yell for ‘justice’ as misguided as they will come to realize that cry is. This is just one industry, we’ve not even discussed those who receive or oversee entitlements, those in the military-industrial complex, those impacted by changes in foreign policy who are currently employed in one of 139 oversees locations, or any of the other ripple effects that will touch lives in a jolting way, initially.
When the smoke clears a decade from now and the nation is operating more in line with the sound principles of the Constitution (as some parts are repealed while others no doubt improved) it will be alright. It is naïve; however, to believe Ron Paul Presidency will not tear the
How do we change the 'Way We Fight?'
by Gary Wood
© October 6, 2007
An acquaintance urged me to watch the Sony Entertainment Documentary “Why We Fight” and I’ve watched it twice now. There was a lot of information concerning the Bush Doctrine and the history behind the rise of what Eisenhower called the ‘Military-Industrial Complex (MIC).’ In his farewell address, in 1961, Eisenhower warned about the dangers this type of standing complex could lead to. “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” It’s as if he saw into the future when our Congress would relinquish responsibility for declaring war by passing this power to the Executive Branch. Within six months President Bush used the power to begin Operation Iraqi Freedom, the Iraq War.
When Eisenhower delivered his farewell address I was not quite two years old and since that time I had never read the entire address. As I did this earlier tonight I was amazed at the wisdom and insight found within the text. According to what I can find this was not written for him but was penned by him, a culmination of his many years in military and government service. According to his son and granddaughter he was a military man who did not like the ravages of war and actually attempted to stave off the march toward such a strong standing military. He often equated the cost of the growing MIC to hospitals, power plants, houses, and other areas where the money could have been spent in improving daily lives within the
I have reflected for hours on the following lines from his address. “We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.” Clearly, he knew it was the duty of the people to remain alert and knowledgeable, yet we have not. Unchecked the MIC is gaining control.
Let me caveat the remaining remarks by stating I have not merely engulfed a single documentary and now believe it is fully true and the government has fully been false. As in all matters the truth usually lies between the two extremes. Many have read my thoughts on the foreign policy of the Bush Doctrine and know I do not support a preemptive strike approach to dealing with the world. Whether we want to admit it or not, the
As my wife and I pondered these questions, and more, a very strong realization came over me. The MIC is a huge part of our economy. The war on terror, or as some call it, the war for terror is the latest raging conflict feeding this economic need. Since Eisenhower bid farewell, however, it is only the next one as there have been wars and insurgencies under every administration since. In 2007 we are spending $12 billion dollars every month in our battle for freedom in Iraq, if that is really what it is all about as many respond when asked why we fight in Iraq. We know
Increasing demands from the citizens, those whose duty it is to keep this machine in check, are to end the Iraq War. has a drive on their website which states, “
I’ve been busy pressing for a change to the policy of preemptive, intervention or what is being referred to as the Bush Doctrine. It is a terrible way to deal with the world, in my opinion. Not only does it send an insightful message, it is leading us down a road where our country no longer resembles a free society where people enjoy true liberty. Let me one last time refer to Eisenhower’s warning, “As we peer into society's future, we – you and I, and our government – must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering for, for our own ease and convenience, the precious resources of tomorrow. We cannot mortgage the material assets of our grandchildren without asking the loss also of their political and spiritual heritage. We want democracy to survive for all generations to come, not to become the insolvent phantom of tomorrow.” We are reaching a critical crossroad right now, we are marching toward insolvency and the MIC does not appear to care so we the people must, you and I.
Yet, that leads me to the question which began this article, how do we change the way we fight? If you are reading now thinking I am about to provide my insights and answers I am going to disappoint you, trust me when I say I’m not that smart and need your help. I am asking this question because it needs to be elevated to a serious national discussion among all of us. I have no faith that our leadership, our representatives, our press, or the companies charging us billions to fight the war will have an answer. Their answer seems clear; war is good for business and good for the increase and maintenance of control over the people.
We need to heed the warnings of Dwight D. Eisenhower. However, the MIC is so ingrained in all States, counties, cities, and homes how can we change it now without ruining our economy? How can we change it while insuring the terrorists don’t come to our neighborhoods next? Please either continue the discussion or start one with your friends and family today. We must change or we will be the insolvent phantom of tomorrow. We need a plan, we need an answer, how do we change the way we fight?
Thursday, October 4, 2007
No Twisted Tongue
Matters not the words compiled by twisted tongue
We listen close for messages ringing true
As we cast our vote, our future has begun.
Dare not play upon a simple, thought less mind
Give not speeches stumping opponent’s loud cry
False impressions of a soul who is not kind
Shall shine bright upon a politicians lie!
It matters not what hearts beat to understand
Shouting stump speeches fall upon deafened ears
There is a focus within our brain’s command
This year’s crowds will only relinquish pure cheers.
Give not the language of false and empty hope,
Know in your heart any lies become your rope!
Can We Support Troops and Not the Iraq War?
by Gary Wood
©October 4, 2007
For many there is a dichotomy surrounding the question of supporting our troops while attempting to maintain a stance against the Iraq War. Someone near to you serving in Iraq will probably least understand the sentiment as their efforts to help stabilize Iraq while attempting to rid the country of the terrorist groups the war invited in is very hard to see. Many families and friends see the support of one being somehow connected to the support of the other. For them there is no split in the two, in order to support our troops one must stay strong in the support of winning in
At there is a message board and videos from people across this land. There message is quite simply that of supporting the troops no matter what you may think of the war. A foundation is in place for anyone to share a thought with the troops far away and thanks to the Internet the troops can read and respond to these positive feelings of warmth and hope. There are many helpful links and overall the site has steered clear of the political debate regarding the war itself.
On the ‘Bring Them Home Now’ website there is a copy of ‘An Appeal for Redress from the War in Iraq’ which was sent by over 100 active duty troops to their Representatives and Senators stating their desires to remove all troops and bases from Iraq as, in their view, it is not working nor is it worth continued bloodshed. Again, this group of brave men and women are in
Within the military community there are organizations that have come into being which share exactly the message, support the troops and not the war. Visiting the website for ‘Veterans Against the Iraq War’ there is a different way of stating this sentiment. “Support the Troops, Oppose the Policy” is their rallying cry. The statement of purpose for their organization has some interesting insights into their formulation of the stance against the war yet there is no doubt this group of veterans supports the troops.
Are these and others simply non-patriotic, are they merely cowards afraid to face the fact we have terrorists in our world who mean to wipe us off the map as a nation? Can we believe them to be pacifists or isolationists too naïve to understand the importance of the foreign policy which led to this encounter in
There was a clash during the South Carolina Republican Debate between Ron Paul and Rudy Giuliani which was started by the comments of Dr. Paul. In part he stated, “There's a strong tradition of being anti-war in the Republican Party, it is the constitutional position, it is the advice of the founders to follow a non-interventionist foreign policy. Stay out of entangling alliances. Be friends with countries, negotiate and talk with them and trade with them.” He went on to explain even the
The Iraq War was started nearly a year and a half after the attacks yet clearly the foreign policy of intervention has been practiced in earnest for decades and the results seem consistent, war erupts, both civilian and military lives are lost, debt is piled high, and does anyone ever win? For retaliation against the terrorists who attacked the
Hussein and bin Laden, the mastermind of the cowardly attack which killed and forever wounded so many souls, did not even get along. The front of the war on terror was clearly not in
What was that policy Dr. Paul mentioned in the debate, non-intervention? Is that a pacifist, isolationist approach to foreign policy, one that is more a coward’s course or a course someone would follow who denied a war on terror was a real threat? I believe I’ve heard that on TV, I believe I heard it right after the debates in fact. However, in researching the founders it can be said there was no desire to be passive, or was there a desire to be in isolation. There was a firm belief in a strong defense against any foreign aggression. The insights into the strength of a foreign policy based on the idea of non-intervention was perhaps no where better extolled than in George Washington’s farewell address, delivered in 1796.
“The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible.... If we remain one people under an efficient government. the period is not far off when we may defy material injury from external annoyance; when we may take such an attitude as will cause the neutrality we may at any time resolve upon to be scrupulously respected; when belligerent nations, under the impossibility of making acquisitions upon us, will not lightly hazard the giving us provocation; when we may choose peace or war, as our interest, guided by justice, shall counsel.”
There was a desire to have ‘commercial relations’ or trade with the world. This is not the focus of an isolated nation. Read again the lines about remaining one people under an efficient government, think of the concept he is trying to get across with regards to the strength developed in neutrality. Then read carefully the words regarding belligerent nations and how they will not “lightly hazard the giving of provocation; when we may choose peace or war, as our interest, guided by justice, shall counsel.” This is from the outgoing Commander-in-Chief, General George Washington. It was a policy of non-intervention, not a policy of passive isolationism.
Many of those seeking to lead us today and many of those who have led us over the past several decades had me confused about this for a time. However, what this policy is all about is not provoking attacks, not preemptively striking nations and forcing our systems and beliefs on them, but one in which no external country will attack us without clear knowledge the price they will pay will be quite heavy. When there was a need to declare war it is clear these leaders would not shrink from that need yet it would be done guided by justice. I urge you to read the farewell address in its entirety as well as study the other founders with regard to this idea of a non-interventionist foreign policy. You may find what I found, the bad press is misplaced.
In pondering the meaning behind our present policies and the policies of our founders I have discussed it with many people. One theme I hear often is the policy of non-intervention, of neutrality, promoted by these men so many years ago is not applicable today. Somehow, their reason goes, technology and the shrinking distance between countries has changed all that. This is also what I hear from many of today’s leaders in explaining why we must have a military presence in over 68% of all countries on Earth. This is the reasoning for supporting Saddam, arming him, teaching him how to use weapons of mass destruction against
We cannot say if the non-interventionist foreign policy urged by
I support our troops, as a veteran who understands the nature of raising my hand and taking the oath of a soldier. We must defend them and honor them for they are defending us and fighting against an enemy in
We have created a long enough history now to know interventionism leads to ongoing conflict, wars with no ending (as we have on the Korean Peninsula), death and destruction, and the burden of debt more in the heavy debt owed to the family and loved ones who will not see their beloved soldiers again and to those who will see their soldiers as they invest years and tears nursing the wounds of war.
We can support our troops and we can oppose the foreign policy of intervention. We can demand and receive leaders who will place us on a sounder path using the non-interventionist foreign policy from our founders’ days. We can develop a new history of strength and peace, one our great-grandchildren will study and be thankful for our wisdom. This we can do without cowardice, without being unpatriotic, in fact it may well be the most patriotic and brave thing we the people dare to do.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
The Radical U.S. Constitution
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Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Americans; Seek Out Root Causes to Problems - Ron Paul Understands
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Monday, October 1, 2007
GOP: Goodbye Old Party!
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