by Gary Wood
©October 7, 2007
With his message of liberty and freedom new supporters are joining the Ron Paul Revolution everyday. As his 3rd quarter fund raising showed, his campaign is building momentum when most campaigns lost momentum during the past quarters fund raising efforts. The average donation was $40.00 according to campaign reports. This means there were 127,000 contributors in this past quarter alone and although it represents less than the number Barack Obama currently has the growth is still phenomenal.
Keep in mind, since 2004 Obama has been getting a great deal of press and during this campaign cycle his exposure, as well as many other media darling candidates from both parties, far exceeds anything Ron Paul receives. His message did reach the grassroots of this country through the Internet, now the fire is ignited and the grassroots are burning, a fire of desire to educate their communities about their candidate of choice. They have passion and there is no waiting for the campaign to organize the revolutionaries, they are self-activating events everywhere. Exposure has significantly increased and is beginning to reach beyond the Internet into the nation’s radio, TV, and newspapers since the fund raising figures have been released.
Ron Paul advocates a significant reduction in the size of the Federal Government, restoring the duties to those enumerated under the U.S. Constitution. He promotes fiscal responsibility and is a strong proponent for State and individual responsibility rather than a national level. His platform also calls for a non-interventionist foreign policy replacing the current Bush Doctrine of preemptive interventionism. With the people being more disenfranchised with their national leaders every day his common sense, straight forward message of restoring the Constitution and restoring true liberty and freedom are driving the campaign to new heights. There is no arguing it is the most staunch, brutally honest stand for the people in decades, especially surprising coming from a major party candidate.
The message of liberty and freedom cuts across race, gender, age, and political affiliations when someone really takes the time to hear the message and then scrutinize the messenger. He stands up to scrutiny better than any current candidate in either the Republican or Democratic Party for 2008. His wave is rising to such a level Las Vegas Odds Makers (often more reliable than public opinion polls this far out) have steadily dropped his chances from 100-1, to 15-1, then 8-1 and now many are carrying him at 4-1 odds. Still not the favorite by any means but with over 80 days until New Hampshire and New York end the timeline for switching parties for primary voting purposes there are a lot more people who can catch the Ron Paul Revolution Express. If, or what many are saying is when, he wins it will be the greatest victory for freedom we could hope for. With that victory those embracing the principles of liberty, those who cling to the hope of true freedom will unite in celebration.
As the victory celebration wanes and the time is at hand for swearing Ron Paul in as the President of the
Let’s examine just one bureaucratic change to get a feel for why I am sounding this warning to all Ron Paul supporters. Dr. Paul wants to abolish the
Consider there are approximately 115,000 employees of the
Initially, these people will be quite upset and chances are good many will yell for ‘justice’ as misguided as they will come to realize that cry is. This is just one industry, we’ve not even discussed those who receive or oversee entitlements, those in the military-industrial complex, those impacted by changes in foreign policy who are currently employed in one of 139 oversees locations, or any of the other ripple effects that will touch lives in a jolting way, initially.
When the smoke clears a decade from now and the nation is operating more in line with the sound principles of the Constitution (as some parts are repealed while others no doubt improved) it will be alright. It is naïve; however, to believe Ron Paul Presidency will not tear the
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