In our local Meetup group discussion board an active member shared a link to a supporter who felt there were many flaws in the Ron Paul campaign which would doom his and all other supporters in the cause of electing Dr. Paul. In carefully analyzing many of the flaws this supporter discussed I found most were not flaws at all, merely an unwillingness to fully embrace the Constitutional courage to press for the changes. However, there was one statement I read which had me saying, “Yes, that is a flaw that could end this campaign, literally derail the train!
Keep in mind; it was due to this discussion forum I moved from a sideline admirer of the campaign to an active supporter. Research performed as a result of many posts found within these forums led me to place a sign in my yard, open my wallet, and dedicate many hours this weekend to working a gun show booth this weekend in an effort to better educate others on the message of ‘Hope for America’ found only in the Ron Paul campaign. However, the comment directly spoke to the one weakness I have seen in every debate and a flaw that continues to leave Ron Paul open to Soundbite attacks against him which the uninformed will accept as fact, that being he is an extremist with radical ideas. Here is the quote that had my head nodding in the affirmative:
"If you are not as extreme as you appear to be on these issues and you do have good plans for transitioning with minimum suffering, you have to communicate this information much better than you are now."
You can trace my comments and find my one major concern is the ineffective articulation of his stances and plans. Ron Paul supporters are not some band of blind mice following a mesmerizing flute. We understand it will take more than one man, more than one term, and more than mere lip service to force the changes necessary to turn us away from socialism and restore us as a prosperous Federalist Republic founded in democracy and capitalism We study the Constitution, embrace the principles that made this country so very strong early on, and will make us strong again. We understand and have no fear or false impression! However, as long as clearly articulated plans are not communicated to the public there are risks and flaws, IMHO.
The fact there is a lack of clear, transitional plans being communicated needs to be addressed and corrected. I have heard him say we cannot merely pull the plug on many of these Federal abuses overnight, nor could he as President. We know it will take more than even two terms to turn this boat around. However, it would be nice to have him and his campaign outline clear and easy to grasp transitional plans as many of our fellow voters do have a fear (false evidence appearing real) that he will be some radical, extremist ripping apart everything they the socialized cling to. As long as there are no clear transitional plans his attackers have an easy, Soundbite begging, target they will continue to hit dead center to play on this fear. You play on their fear enough and he may get past the primaries yet will not survive in the general election.
Ron Paul supporters, am I way off base here or is this something we need to elevate to the campaign headquarters? We need him to be the Republican candidate but, even more, we need him to win!
I think the campaign is well aware of the need to communicate the phasing out of programs. I watched his video at the kaiser foundation where he explained such a phasing out. I don't think you need to worry about telling the campaign the problem. I have confidence they are aware of it and will address it.
Thanks for the comment. I believe you are correct and they are working on improving it daily. By the way, less than $10,000 dollars to reach the $1,000,000 goal as I type. This is going to be good.
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