Saturday, December 29, 2007

Why Am I a Ron Paul Republican?

Anyone following the candidacy of Ron Paul has heard the question asked and answered many times regarding his party affiliation. Each time he reminds the questioner he is probably the most Republican of any of the Republican candidates in the race. Many articles and discussions are now referring to him as a libertarian Republican; a part of the Republican Liberty Caucus which many Republican voters do not even seem to know exists. Is his claim more spin or is it accurate? Are the roots of the Republican Party set in ideas of liberty?

While visiting my county’s website, to find the location of the precinct caucus for where I live, there was a reminder that the party roots are as Ron Paul claims. What I found can be found on Republican Party websites across the country. It is a listing of beliefs within the party and given as the reasoning behind affiliating with them. Let’s take a look at each one and consider Ron Paul’s ideals. The listing states several beliefs and each one starts with the words ‘I Believe’ starting with;

I am a Republican Because…

I BELIEVE the strength of our nation lies with the individual and that each person’s dignity, freedom, ability and responsibility must be honored.

Ron Paul: There is no doubt he embraces this. He has discussed the problem with many in the U.S. is we’ve lost confidence in our own ability. He also reminds us if we are to accomplish the goal of ending income taxation and the IRS we must be responsible for ourselves and not rely on the federal government for things we should be doing.

I BELIEVE in equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age or disability.

Ron Paul: Again, he strongly supports equality for all citizens. He differentiates between the equality however when it comes to those illegally living in the U.S. Although some try to claim he is racist due to his ‘no’ votes on some legislation their claims are shallow and unfounded.

I BELIEVE free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic growth and prosperity.

Ron Paul: He strongly supports government getting out of the way. He does not support corporatism or subsidies but clearly is in favor of true free market economics. His stance in this area has been unwavering.

I BELIEVE government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn.

Ron Paul: Consistently stands in favor of the NEED to reduce government spending and restoring a monetary system that makes sense. He wants to end income taxation and replace it with nothing. Keep in mind, he operates his Congressional office in such a fiscal manner he returns a portion of his budget EVERY year. He knows the lack of fiscal responsibility is a root cause of the problem and is willing to articulate the negative impacts of the inflation tax along with other crippling ripple effects.

I BELIEVE the proper role of government is to provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations and that the best government is that which governs least.

Ron Paul: While the Republican’s controlled both the legislative and executive branches of our federal government we saw massive expansions of many bureaucratic organizations. In researching and picking apart the votes and initiatives leading to this growth Dr. No was the lone voice on too many occasions calling for reduced federal involvement in our lives. The foundational document provides a very good roadmap to what critical functions are. Individuals and private organizations can do much more for citizens, with far greater efficiency and compassion, than the federal government. One candidate advocates the less is best philosophies which use to be a standard the party stood by in earnest.

I BELIEVE the most effective, responsible and responsive government is government closest to the people.

Ron Paul: Again, throughout his entire political career his voice rang out for more power and authority at the local and State level. It was through this very concept the founding of this country was initially successful. By the time Alexis de Tocqueville wrote, "It is not the administrative, but the political effectiveness of the local system I most admire," the wisdom of this was being clearly proven. This is a key factor that only Dr. Paul appears to embrace among the current candidates.

I BELIEVE Americans must retain the principles that have made us strong while developing new and innovative ideas to meet the challenges of changing times.

Ron Paul: His voice continually rises, even in front of hostile receptors of the message; we must retain our foundational principles. Also, he understands the importance of building upon and improving the founders concepts and sees hope in that process. There is no abandoning of these principles due to modernization or fear.

I BELIEVE Americans value and should preserve our national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom and human rights throughout the world.

Ron Paul: This is clearly tied to a foreign policy of non-intervention. Jeffersonian Republicans knew it, and many strong Republican leaders ran on and supported it throughout the history of our Grand Old Party. Among all the candidates currently seeking the Presidency his is the only voice who still believes in it and, no matter if it is what the audience may want to hear, is willing to always present it as key and critical to the future prosperity of the United States and hope for a more global peace.

FINALLY, I believe the Republican Party is the best vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful principles of government.

Ron Paul: After learning the true challenges of entangling himself with another party nearly 20 years ago he has since championed these very beliefs as a Republican. I too, at one point, briefly ran as a Libertarian and learned this same lesson. He embraces the very foundations of the party and strongly supports the party and the Republican Liberty Caucus within the party.

He understands the history of the Republican Party, he has studied each belief, and he has held strong to those beliefs while many in the party have wandered so far from the path many mistake them for Democrats. We hear the term Republicrats used often and there is a growing perception there is little or no difference between the two parties. There is a difference in the history of the party that once championed the Constitution and stood by the beliefs outlined on the many county websites across the country. I am a Ron Paul Republican for one simple and never changing fact. In 2008 Ron Paul is the only TRUE Republican running on the party’s ticket, the only one we can look to and see our beliefs in consistent, passionate action.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Ron Paul's Reaction: Tough Common Sense

©December 28, 2007
by Gary Wood

Today’s assassination of Benazir Bhutto has created a firestorm of passionate reactions from around the world. In the United States those vying to become our next President are responding in a variety of ways one could no doubt expect. John McCain is touting his unprecedented experience as being key and critical in times like these. Hillary Clinton is reminding people she not only had a professional but also a personal relationship with the Pakistan leader. Mitt Romney has mentioned the need to further our policy of propping up foreign governments. Rudy Giuliani is stating 9/11, 9/11. The fear of terrorism and the loss of this brave lady, who passionately lived to help a dream of democracy in Pakistan be realized, are being used to further the cause of interventionist approaches in dealing with the world.

I have listened to each candidate’s response with the thought of whom I would want in the Oval Office when this type of tragedy rocks the world. It is this type of crisis that allows a window of opportunity to be opened for either common sense preventative reactions or for the spreading of reactionary actions leading to more of the same. When passion and fear collide it is easy to believe we are listening to someone dedicated to being tough when it comes to terrorism and world instability by continuing a political path that has aided in leading us to our current situation. In our hearts we want to stand up with an iron fist to crush those behind such violent, despicable acts.

The toughest response I have heard today came from Ron Paul in a brief phone interview on Fox’s ‘Your World with Neil Cavuto’ and in a longer interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on ‘The Situation Room.’ No doubt many will spin his position as being somehow weak yet it is true intestinal strength to react the way he did. Often, when looking in the mirror, we don’t like to admit our policies may somehow weaken those we think we are helping.

Ron Paul reminded us all we backed a dictator who overthrew an elected government and spent billions over the last eight years aiding his government. He advocated changing the policy immediately while indicating Bhutto was a true fighter for democracy in that country. He also was brave enough to remind us our Constitution does not give us the right to continue to meddle in the affairs of foreign countries nor does it give us the right to continue to intervene. His lone voice on the campaign trail delivered tough common sense!

For several weeks we can be assured many will spin these tough words as the wrong approach to the events unfolding due to Benazir Bhutto’s sacrifice. We will have our patriotism called into question while the hawkish interventionists attempt to further capitalize on our fears as well as our compassion. Many of the media’s talking heads will tell us our policies must not only be continued but ramped up to fight the global war on terrorism. Through all of this I can only hope and pray the toughest common sense approach of non-intervention will finally be understood by at least of few more brave defenders of liberty.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Liberty's Success = 471

by Gary Wood
©December 22, 2007

We’re hearing an ever growing number of voices shouting liberty and freedom. In an election year there are many candidates willing to use these words rhetorically hoping to spark trust or patriotic feelings to garner a vote. A vote tells us a lot about those trying to convince us they will help change the way our government is run and they will restore liberty and freedom. Listen to the soundbites bombarding us from all sides and you will hear the use of such emotional splendor as constitution, founding fathers, our foundation, our heritage, and American values connected with their words of promise. Yet most promise these passionate rhetorical guarantees quite often and once elected quickly forget since it was only rhetoric to be used for persuasion, mental invasion, and then to be tucked away for the next reelection campaign.

This approach has worked well for countless state and federal level representatives as well as many campaigning to become our Commander-in-Chief. Year after election year the magic trick of rhetoric is pulled on an audience too busy attempting to live a life filled with daily time pressures and demands. Falling far too often for the political tricks, simply by being entranced by the candidate’s patter, those not helping restore liberty and freedom find themselves returning to governing and entertaining the lobbying clan. However, a magic trick and rhetoric can only be shown to the same audience just so many times before the mystique and belief in magic gives way to the real nature of the slight of hand movements, or in this case the lack of real change. No longer mesmerized and amazed the audience becomes disappointed that there is no real magic, no real magician, just tricks of the trade, the tricks secret now revealed.

So it is this election year, you can find them everywhere spitting the patter of liberty, freedom, and hope. Yet they finally showed their trick to the same audience too many times and now we know there are no real magicians, except maybe one. Watching this one, who’s been performing his brand of magic for decades, he appears to a growing number to be the only skilled magician among the many would be hopefuls. Perhaps there are others yet his skill is creating a mighty stir, his act is becoming the true main attraction. Watching his vote we catch no deceit, following his actions we sense a real feat. Liberty and freedom are not empty words and the foundation of the nation is his passion, our treat.

Yet change in the way our federal government is run, restoring liberty and freedom, really improving the paths for our children’s children takes more than one, even if he becomes President. Would you agree that’s true? With a wise selection for Vice President that’s still only two so is there anything at all the audience can really do? Real magic, beyond a rhetorical parlor trick, takes focus and steady concentration. This election year, if you are one who internally desires the restoration of liberty, help every registered voter you can focus on 471. Do this and this year the U.S. Constitution will have won. Ahhh, the magic in the trick, the secret you wish revealed is what is the power of 471?

Its simple mathematics as magic often is; President Ron Paul and his Vice President are two, add 34 Senators who’re in need of your vote plus 435 Representatives wanting the same and only cast your vote, your focus, on a candidate that wants liberty and freedom as badly as you! How do you know? Track the votes, follow the actions and if there is no feat beat feet. Only focus, only vote for candidates you are confident are on freedom’s true side and now you have power beyond even a most talented Dr. Paul. Now you have the power to get true change done. Help restore our Federal Republic; we need many voters’ focus if we expect real magic.

If you pick a few wrong no need to panic friend, focus on 469 in 2010!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ron Paul is Radical, Not Mainstream

You've heard this from the media and his opponents. By definition there is no longer any doubt Ron Paul is both radical and out of the mainstream!

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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Land Of Liberty?

Are we in the land of liberty or simply buried in snow?

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Don't Waste Your Vote!

Politics are not a sporting event we bet on...

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Monday, December 10, 2007

You Think We're Free?

Many believe we live in the land of the free yet do we?

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Doubting Ron Paul

Many doubt Ron Paul has any chance of winning. Do you doubt if Ron Paul can win?

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Can Ron Paul Win?

Listening to many this political season,There's a question asked time and again.While many embrace our liberty's reason,They wonder aloud, can Ron Paul win?

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